Using your Glinx Webspace
Issue: Using your Glinx Webspace Document: 00015
Created: Mar 31, 99
Applies to: All Operating Systems Modified: Jan 08, 00

This article gives instructions about how to upload your web pages to the server so that they are visible on the World Wide Web. Before you can upload your web pages, though, you must create them. There are two ways of creating web pages:

  1. Use one of the many HTML generator programs, such as HotDog, MS-Publisher or Netscape Composer. These programs are often free and can be downloaded from the Web. This can be a fast way to create your web pages, because it is sometimes quicker to learn to use these types of programs, than it is to learn HTML.

  2. Learn HTML (HyperText Markup Language). It is a simple language, which is fairly easy to learn. This is the best way to create webpages, as it offers more control because you are actually learning the code.

    Below are links to some helpful resources on the web for creating your pages this way.

For more information about our web server, read the Web Server FAQ. Please note that Glinx does not provide support for the construction of web pages.

When you create your web pages, make sure your primary page is named "" or l, because browsers are programmed to look for a page named index when you enter a web address that does not specify the filename. For example, typing in gets you our index page () even though the filename was not specified.

Many HTML generator programs include a feature which allows you to upload your web site files from within the generator program. However, they do not allow you to rename or delete files that are already on your web space. Therefore, it is recommended that you use an FTP program to upload your website files, rather than a generator program.



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  • The steps will be numbered in the right margin,with the Title immediately left.
  • Things you need to do will be in bold text .
  • Names of things displayed on your screen like program, menu, button and text box names will be in double quotes, "like this".
  • Explanations will be in plain text.
  • Things you need to type in will be in type text.
  • Defined words will be hyperlinked italic text .
1 Uploading your files to your Glinx Web Space.

After you have created your web pages on your own computer, you must transfer (upload) them to our web server.

If you have a web page generator that supports uploads, such as Netscape Composer, simply point it at the following URL:

Be sure you log in with your username and password.

If you have learned HTML and are using a text editor to create your pages from scratch, you will need an FTP program. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) will allow you to upload your web pages to your web space. If you do not have an FTP program, you will have to download and install one.

We highly recommend CuteFTP or WS_FTP for Windows users. For Macintosh users, we recommend Fetch.

Open your FTP program and connect to the FTP server.

Your FTP program will need the following information:

    Remote Host:
    Username: insert your user name
    Password: insert your password
    Remote Directory: /public_html

If there is an option for "Anonymous Login", make sure it is not checked. By logging in with your username and password, you will be taken directly to your own web space. If you log in anonymously, you will only have access to the public directory.

Upload your web page files. If you want your first page to load automatically, make sure it is named "l" or "index.htm". If you are a Macintosh user, you must send your files as "raw data".

Note: The www directory simply points to the public_html directory, where your web page files are actually stored. Before the web server upgrade, users uploaded their web page files to the www directory.

Once the transfer is complete, open your browser and look at your web page. It is important for a designer to test the web pages, because even though they may look fine on your home computer, they may not behave exactly the same way on the web server.

Tip: Our web server is a UNIX server. UNIX is very case sensitive. If a filename is all in capital letters (PAGE3.HTM), and in your web page you refer to it as page3.htm, UNIX may not recognize that you are referring to the same file. In UNIX, PAGE3.HTM, page3.htm, Page3.htm and page3.HTM are all different things. So, its a good idea to always use the same case when referring to filenames and URLs. Lowercase is most common on the Internet.

Whether you design your own pages or have somone do it for you, it is a good idea to keep a complete, up-to-date copy of your web pages on your own computer or on floppy disk. Then, if something goes wrong, you always have a working copy.


Your web pages will now be loaded on the web server and will be accessible on the World Wide Web.

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Please call Glinx Technical Support if you have any further questions.

© Glinx Internet